I love your blog Award!
I have received the I love your blog Award from Happyberrynaiad, so thank you!!!
So rules of the game are:
*Post the award on your blog
*Link the person who has give you the award
*Pass the award to other 15 blogs you've discovered:
My award is going to"
1. AllYouDesire
2. MU maniak Viennettka
3. Day Loves Colours
4. Just a Beauty Blog
5. ...insignificant little things...
6. Divi Makeup
7. Konadomania
8. Nalakovany blog
9. Body & Soul
10. Lacquer Laine
11. Naive Nails
12. Rule The Red Carpet
13. Fab UR nails
14. My Simple Little Pleasures
15. Sonidlo's nail polishes