OPI Passion mani and Krackpolish test FAIL!

When my TransDesign package came, the polish I was the most curious about was OPI Passion. I wanted jelly pinkish colour. OPI Passion is beautiful but unfortunately does not go well with my skin tone :'o(  And I like it sooo much :(  At least I have some swatches for you.

Kdyz mi prisel balicek z TransDesign, nejvic jsem byla zvedava na OPI Passion. Chtela jsem totiz ruzovouckou zele barvicku. Passion je nadherny,ale bohuzel mi nesedi k memu tonu pleti :'o(  A to se mi tak libi! No aspon tu mam fro vas fotky, jak vypada na nehtech.

Oh and just to add - I also received slightly damaged bottle of OPI. I don't care, it's just weird. Few bloggers complained earlier that they receive damaged bottles from TransDesign and now I am one of them.

Jen tak mimochodem- taky jsem obdrzela lehce poskozenou lahvicku OPI. Jako nevadi mi to, je to jen divne. Par blogerek si pred nejakym casem stezovalo,ze takto poskozene lahvicky z TransDesign dostaly a ja jsem ted jednou z nich.

I did also try the Red krackpolish on top of Passion, which was the worst FAIL ever! Look at the pics, it's horrible! When polish started to dry, the pieces of colour didn'r stick to the nail and started fall down! Awful! Do not buy it or give me a tip what I do wrong :)

Taky jsem udelala pokus s cervenym Krackpolishem nanesenym na Passion, ktery byl nejvetsi FAIL, jaky jsem kdy zazila! Kouknete na fotky, vypada to otresne! Jakmile lak zacal usychat, kousky barvy nedrzely na nehtu a zacaly se odlupovat a odpadat! No hruza! Nekupujte si ho anebo mi dejte tip, jak s nim zachazet :)