Models Own swatches Part II
Here it comes - next swatches of the Models Own nail polishes :)
Lime Green - creme pastel lime green. It was really nice to work with this colour, the application was smooth and polish was opaque so 2 coats were absolutely enough. It's an unsual colour to have on nails but it's fun..
Lime Green - pastelova limetkov-zelena kremovka. Moc dobre se s ni pracovalo, lakovani bylo moc fajn a lak kryl krasne ve dvou vrstvach. Je to na nehtech docela neobvykla barvicka, ale vypada celkem zajimave.
Moody Grey - it's kinda dark creme blue-grey. All Models Own creme polishes I've tried so far have a nice formula and apply nicely and this one is not an exception. Two coats were fully opaque.
Moody Grey - takova tmava kremova modro-seda. Zatim vsechny Models Own kremovky, co jsem kdy zkusila se dobre lakovaly a tenhle neni vyjimka. Dve vrstvy byly plne kryci.
Mystic Mauve - light purple foil. Beautifull addition to the foil family in a cool purple shade. Polish is opaque in 2 coats however it is a little bit streaky and I had to be carefull not to leave brush strokes.
Mystic mauve - svetle fialova 'foil' barva. No jak to prelozit...metalicka? Ne, to neni proste leskla jako alobalova folie :D Je to krasny prirustek do rodiny foil barvicek ve studenem fialovem odstinu. Bohuzel trochu pruhuje, takze jsem musela byt dost opatrna, abych stetcem nezanechala viditelne tahy. Kryl ve dvou vrstvach.
Blue Med - pearl light blue shade. I don't like this polish at all :( It is not opaque even in three coats, it is really streaky and I had problem with bubbles. Never again :(
Blue Med - perletova svetle modra. Tak tenhle lak vubec nemam rada :( Neni vubec kryci ani ve trech vrstvach, dost pruhuje a taky jsem mela problem s bublinkami. Nikdy vice :(
To be continued....again....