White Lace Decals Nail Art feat. Barry M and Born Pretty Store

*PR samples


Hello lovelies,


Let's kick the year off with an elegant white lace manicure, shall we? It's very easy to do because I have used water decals instead of painting the lace freehand.

White Lace Decals Nail Art feat. Barry M and Born Pretty Store
White Lace Decals Nail Art feat. Barry M and Born Pretty Store
White Lace Decals Nail Art feat. Barry M and Born Pretty Store


When working with water decals I've found that the preparation is really important. Pre-cut all the decals before you start painting your nails to avoid any smudging. It's also good to find a small glass or bowl you'll later need.


When everything was prepared I could start applying two coats of Barry M Caramel which is a matte beige brown shade. Then I followed following steps:


1. Remove the first layer of film from the pre-cut piece of decal and plunge it into bowl of warm water for 10-20 seconds
2. Moisten the nail and place the wet decal in position
3. Once you're happy with the position you can dry out the water drops carefully using a tissue or a paper towel. You can also blow dry your nails a bit
4. When completely dry, seal the whole design with topcoat

5. Repeat the same process with next nail


White Lace Decals Nail Art feat. Barry M and Born Pretty Store


I think the result looks very nice and it didn't take very long to do. I did have few small problems on the way because I'm not very experienced in working with water decals but I've managed. The decals crinkled a bit because of my naturally curved nails so sometimes I've had to cut them a little so they would lie flat. They are a bit firmer than some of the really soft and tear-prone decals I've used before and they tke a bit more drying and pressing on nail.


The water decals I have used are from Born Pretty Store (pattern D205). One sheet contains 10 decals. Don't forget to use my 10% discount code LUHH10.



*PR samples - both decals and the polish were provided for review