Some time ago I won awesome giveaway at Manicured Manatee and the Cat's Eye was one of the prizes. It was discontinued so it is very hard to get this shade. I'm really lucky to have it :) The colour is olive green with gold undertones and shimmer, really like cat's eye. Colour was fully opaque in two coats, little bit streaky and lasted 3 days without chipping. Overally really nice and unique nail polish.

I just had to stamp it with black cats, it looks really cute :)

Pred nejakou dobou jsem vyhrala giveaway u Manicured Manatee a Cat's Eye byl cast ceny. Je to lak, ktery se prestal vyrabet, takze je hodne tezko k sehnani. Citim se docela stastna, ze ho mam :) Odstin je olivove zelena se zlatymi podtony a trpytem, opravdu jako kocici oci. Lak byl zcela kryci ve dvou vrstvach. Trosku pruhoval a neloupal se prvni tri dny noseni. Celkove si myslim, ze je to moc krasny a unikatni odstin.

A proste jsem ho musela orazitkovat cernymi kockami, vypada to roztomile :)

Here it comes - next swatches of the Models Own nail polishes :)

Lime Green - creme pastel lime green. It was really nice to work with this colour, the application was smooth and polish was opaque so 2 coats were absolutely enough. It's an unsual colour to have on nails but it's fun..

Lime Green - pastelova limetkov-zelena kremovka. Moc dobre se s ni pracovalo, lakovani bylo moc fajn a lak kryl krasne ve dvou vrstvach. Je to na nehtech docela neobvykla barvicka, ale vypada celkem zajimave.

Moody Grey - it's kinda dark creme blue-grey. All Models Own creme polishes I've tried so far have a nice formula and apply nicely and this one is not an exception. Two coats were fully opaque.

Moody Grey - takova tmava kremova modro-seda. Zatim vsechny Models Own kremovky, co jsem kdy zkusila se dobre lakovaly a tenhle neni vyjimka. Dve vrstvy byly plne kryci.

Mystic Mauve - light purple foil. Beautifull addition to the foil family in a cool purple shade. Polish is opaque in 2 coats however it is a little bit streaky and I had to be carefull not to leave brush strokes. 

Mystic mauve - svetle fialova 'foil' barva. No jak to prelozit...metalicka? Ne, to neni proste leskla jako alobalova folie :D Je to krasny prirustek do rodiny foil barvicek ve studenem fialovem odstinu. Bohuzel trochu pruhuje, takze jsem musela byt dost opatrna, abych stetcem nezanechala viditelne tahy. Kryl ve dvou vrstvach.

Blue Med - pearl light blue shade. I don't like this polish at all :( It is not opaque even in three coats, it is really streaky and I had problem with bubbles. Never again :(

Blue Med - perletova svetle modra. Tak tenhle lak vubec nemam rada :( Neni vubec kryci ani ve trech vrstvach, dost pruhuje  a taky jsem mela problem s bublinkami. Nikdy vice :(

To be continued....again....