Well that's a beauty :) Bright rich blue with tiny silver glitters. I didn't feel well in such a bright blue but it is an amazing colour. It applied smoothly, it is ALMOST one coater but I still needed two and it stayed without chipping 3 days. But the removing...that was a pain again :-/ Lots of tiny silver glitters made removing really awful experience :(

But I just love how the silver stamping changed my nails! I've used Bundle Monster plate and China Glaze Millennium nail polish for stamping.

No tak tohle je krasny lak :) Vyrazna modra s jemnymi stribrnymi trpytkami. Sice jsem se v tom laku moc dobre necitila,ale presto je uzasny. Dobre se nanasel, je SKORO plne kryci, ale stejne jsem si nakonec dala dve vrstvy. Ve skvele kondici vydrzel 3 dny, pak se mi kvuli praci zacal odlupovat. Ale to odlakovavani....to byl zase porod :-/ Spousta drobnych glitriku mi to moc neusnadnila :(

Zamilovala jsem se do kombinace se stribrnym razitkovanim! Uplne to zmenilo cele nehty! Pouzila jsem desticku Bundle Monster a China Glaze Millennium na razitka.

Continuing with the Barry M swatches :) Today it is the newest Barry M Limited edition. It is kind of creme pinkish purple. The colour was opaque enough so I needed only two coats. The application was smooth however this polish has a little bit runny formula. I am very curious about another Barry M polishes because the formula hasn't impressed me so far.

At the end I stamped the nails with Black Konad polish.

A je tu pokracovani Barry M laku :) Dnes tu mam nejnovejsi Barry M limitovanou edici. Je to takova zvlastni kombinace ruzove a sialove kramovky. Lak celkem dobre kryl, takze stacily dve vrstvy. Taky se mi s nim dobre lakovalo, jen byl trosku ridsi. Jsem dost zvedava na dalsi Barry M lak, ktery vyzkousim, protoze doted me konzistence moc neoslnila.

Nakonec jsem nehty jeste orazitkovala cernym Konad lakem.