Ditch the Heels - my second Ciaté polish. It is nice medium green creme colour (not bright, not pastel).The formula was a bit more watery than Ciaté Talent Scout's but still really nice. I needed two coats for full coverage however three coats would do even better work. Drying time was ok, I would say average and brush was again very nice to work with.

Green is not really a colour I would pick for myself but I must admit that it is really nice summer shade. Collection Festival Fever offers six shades and is available at ciate.co.uk

EDIT to Talent Scout: I have this polish third day on my nails and there are no chips!

*Product was send to me by company for a review.

Ditch the Heels - muj druhy lak znacky Ciaté. Je to stredne zelena kramova barvicka (ani vyrazna, ani pastelova). Lak byl trosku vic vodovejsi nez Ciaté Talent Scout, ale porad se s ni dobre pracovalo. Pro plne kryti jsem potrebovala dve vrstvy, ale tri by udelaly jeste lepsi sluzbu. Lak schnul tak nejak prumerne rychle a se steteckem se mi zase moc dobre pracovalo.

Zelena neni urcite barva, kterou bych si pro sebe vybrala, ale musim uznat, ze je to krasny letni odstin. Kolekce Festival Fever obsahuje celkem sest laku a je dostupna na ciate.co.uk

EDIT k Talent Scout: Uz mam ten lak na sobe treti den a porad je v super stavu, zadne odlupovani!

I have ChG Stroll for a very short time and I just don't know how could I exist without it! It's such an amazing colour! Firstly I thought it will be more berry, then that it is BB Couture Napa Valley Red dupe but neither of it.
Stroll is from Retro Diva collection for fall 2009. The coulour is deep burgundy with golden glitter. But it is not traditional glitter, this one if much finer however the removing was still pain :-/  I've used two coats but three would be much better as this polish is not fully opaque. Drying time was quite good, average I would say. I am also big fan of China Glaze brushes, it is pleasure to work with :)

Comparison between ChG Stroll and BB Couture Napa Valley Red
*Product was send to me by company for a review.

ChG Stroll mam jen velmi kratkou dobu a nechapu, jak jsem bez nej mohla zit! Je to naprosto uchvatna barva! Nejdriv jsem si myslela, ze na nehtu bude vic do barvy lesniho ovoce, pak ze je to dvojce BB Couture Napa Valley Red, ale neni ani jedno.

Stroll je z Retro Diva kolekce pro podzim 2009. Barvicka by se dala popsat jako tmava vinove cervena se zlatymi glitriky. Glitry jsou ale mnohem mensi a jemnejsi, presto bylo odklakovavani docela neprijemne :-/ Na obrazcich mam dve vrstvy, ale tri by byly asi mnohem lepsi, protoze lak neni plne kryci. Schnul celkem dobre, rekla bych tak prumer. Jsem docela velky fanousek stetecku ChG, moc dobre se mi s nimi pracuje :)