I was lucky to win this nail polish at Makeup Mama's giveaway together with some FIMO clay canes. Pure Elegance is a lovely pink colour with pink shimmer. Amazing colour! No gold or blue shimmer, just pink! Unfortunately, polish is really watery and sheer. There are three coats in the picture and it is still not perfect :(
As you can see, I also tried to decorate my nails with FIMO. Well, it could end up worse :D I found very hard to work with them, because you need very thin pieces but it is impossible to use your file after you apply FIMO on your nail (it's just nail polish, not acryl or gel, you know..). If you have any suggestions how to work with them, I will be glad :)
Mela jsem to stesti, ze jsem vyhrala tenhle lak na nehty a FIMO v blogove soutezi. Pure Elegance je krasna ruzova barvicka s ruzovym trpytem. Uzasna barva! Zadny zlaty nebo modry trpyt, ale krasne ruzovy! Bohuzel lak ma dost ridkou konzistency a neni moc kryci. Na fotkach mam tri vrstvy a porad to neni poerfektni :(
Jak vidite, tak jsem se pokusila i o zdobeni s FIMO. No mohlo to dopadnout i hur :D Dost spatne se mi s nimi pracovalo. Hlavne proto, ze jsou potreba opravdu tenoucke platky a je skoro nemozne zpilovat platky na nehtu (protoze je to proste lak, ne akryl nebo gel..). Jestli mate nekdo nejaky napad,jak s FIMEM zachazet, sem s nim!