Finally I have got long nails for a french manicure and I was again in a creative mood and this is a result :) I've used Essie protein base coat, two coats of OPI No Bees Please. Then I painted black tips with Color Club Black and over it painted with Nfu Oh 59-red flakies. It still needed something more so I've used fauxnad plate and black Konad polish.
Konecne mam dost dlouhe nehty na francii a mela jsem zrovna tvorivejsi naladu a toto je vysledek :) Pouzila jsem Essie protein base coat a dve vrstvy OPI No Bees Please. Pak jsem namalovala konce s Color Club Black, pak je jeste premalovala cervenym supinkovym Nfu Oh 59. No a protoze to chtelo jeste necim ozivit, lupla jsem tam cerna razitka Konad: )