For a Winter 2009 Zoya released UltraGlitter Collection. I finally got my hands on one of them-Astra (it is quite hard to get Zoyas :(  ) It applied very nice despite the fact it is all rosy-magenta glitter in light pink jelly base. I wanted it last long so I applied two coats of Astra and then Seche Vite top coat and Wet Glaze top coat. And it lasted amazing 6 days without any chipping. After 6 days I wanted a change so I took it off. I'm sure, it would last at least another 4 days in perfect condition.

The removal was AWFUL!Yes, I know it is a glitter, but even on glitter it was awful! What was worst - while removing glittery nail polish, glitters scratched my nails so I had to smooth them with nail buffer.

BUT all the dreadful removing was beaten with all the beauty and colour of the polish. It totally matched to my glitter top and I couldn't stop watching my nails!

After application/ Po aplikaci

After 4 days/ Po 4 dnech

After 6 days/ Po 6 dnech

Pro lonskou Zimu 2009 Zoya vytvorila kolekci UltraGlitter. Konecne se mi z ni podarilo ukoristit alespon jeden lacek-Astra. lak se aplikoval moc pekne navzdory tomu, ze je to ruzovo-fuchsiovy glitter v naruzovelem zele zakladu. Chtela jsem, aby mi dlouho vydrzel, takze jsem nanesla dve vrstvy laku a na to vrstvu Seche Vite top coatu a pak jeste vrstvu tekuteho skla. Lak vydrzel uzasnych 6 dni bez jakehokoliv poskozeni (viz. fotky)! Po 6 dnech uz jsem chtela vyzkouset jiny lak,takze jsem ho sundala. Jsem ale presvedcena,ze by vydrzel bez chybicky alespon dalsi 4 dny.

Odlakovavani bylo jednim slovem priserny! I na glitrovy lak to bylo hrozne! Nejhorsi bylo,ze pri odlakovavani mi glitry poskrabaly nehty a odlupovaly se mi takove jemne dlouhe supinky. Musela jsem je potom zahladit jemnym pilnikem.

Ale i ta hrozna zkusenost s odlakovavanim byla prebita krasou a nadhernou barvou tohoto laku! Krasne doplnoval muj glitrovy topik a nemohla jsem prestat koukat na svy nehty :)

This is a review of two The Body Shop Colourglide lip colours. I've got shades no. 42 and 73. There are not names on the lipsticks and the names on the website totally don't correspond with colours, so don't follow them. Both lipsticks are not very pigmented and quite too sticky for a lipstick. I wanted some nice beige colour, so grabbed no. 42....and it was buy one get one free-that's how I came to no. 73 :D
I must say they moisturize nicely, but they don't last very long :( And also the smell is kinda weird. It smells like some kind of  oatmeal ???


*not very pigmented
*colour doesn't last very long
*a bit too sticky for a lipstick
*shiny silver packaging-you can see EVERYTHING on them (dirt, fingerprints, etc.)
*weird smell

Verdict: I'm not satisfied with the product :(

Tak a mam tu recenzi dvou The Body Shop Colourglide rtenek. Mam odstiny c. 42 a 73. Na rtenkach nejsou jmena odstinu, jen cisla a na webove strance Body Shopu odstiny vubec neodpovidaji nazvum, tak se podle nich neridte. Obe rtenky jsou strasne malo pigmentovane a na rtenky jsou taky dost lepkave. Chtela jsem nejaky pekny neutralni odstin, tak jsem sahla po c. a byla akce 1+1 zdarma, takze jsem vzala i c. 73 :D
Musim jim priznat, ze celkem pekne hydratuji, ale zase moc dlouho nevydrzi :( Taky voni nejak divne...jako ovecne vlocky?

*pekne hydratuji

*nejsou moc pigmentovane
*barva dlouho nevydrzi
*dost lepkave na rtenky
*samotne baleni-jde na nem videt uplne VSECHNO (zaspineni, otisky prstu...)
*divna vune

Verdikt: S rtenkami nejsem spokojena :(