I just had to have MAC's shadestick in Sharkskin! At the time I got mine, it was almost sold out everywhere so I was really happy and had to try it out immediately. I can't remember why, but I made a photo tutorial so hope you'll like it :)

Products used:
MAC shadestick in Sharkskin
Barry M Kingfisher loose e/s
Trucco Angel Eyes palette-green holographic e/s
Barry M Khaki loose e/s
Dermacol Black liquid eyeliner

Proste jsem musela mit cerny shadestick z MACu v odstinu Sharkskin! V dobe, kdy jsem si ho poridila byly skoro vsude vyprodane, takze jsem byla stestim bez sebe, ze ho mam a musela jsem ho okamzite vyzkouset. Uz si nepamatuju presne proc, ale udelala jsem fotograficky tutorialek, tak doufam,ze se vam bude libit.

Pouzite produkty:
Mac Shadestick Sharkskin
Barry M Kingfisher
Trucco zeleny holograf(c.5)
Barry M Khaki
Dermacol Cernou tekutou linku

Click on image to enlarge it :)

1. Sharkskin all over the whole eyelid and under lower lashline
2. Barry M Kingfisher to the inner half of the eyelid
3.-4. Trucco green holograph to the middle of eyelid
5.-6. Barry M Khaki to the outer half of eyelid and under the lower lashline
7.-9. Dermacol black liquid eyeliner at the end

1.Sharkskin pres cele vicko i pod spodnimi rasami
2. Na vnitrni pulku vicka jsem pouzila Kingfishera
3.,4. Uprostred je Zeleny holograf
5.,6. Ve vnejsim koutku i pod rasami Khaki
7.,8.,9. Udelala jsem cerne tekute linky

Yep, another red :) I just like reds and I feel good in them. This Meet & Jingle polish is from the Christmas 2009 collection as some other polishes I wrote about previously. This colour is just gorgeous! No problems with application (except the tiny brush), no streaking, quite fast drying, just perfect :)

Jisteee, dalsi cervena :) Proste mam cervene laky rada a citim se v nich dobre. Meet & Jingle je z Vanocni kolekce 2009 tak jako par dalsich laku, o kterych jsem psala driv. Tahle barvicka je proste uchvatna! Zadne problemy s aplikaci (krom miniaturniho stetecku), zadne pruhovani, docela rychle schnuti, proste perfektni :)