It's time to wear a light colour! Happy Anniversary is beautiful glittery, silver-white polish. Really hard to describe :) It stayed on my nails 4 days without any chipping which is great. I suppose it was because of the glittery consistence. On the top I've used Konad black polish and stamping plate m73.

Je cas na svetlou barvicku! Happy Anniversary je nadherny stribrno-bily trpytivy lak. Docela tezko popsatelny :) Na nehtech mi vydrzel 4 dny bez odlupovani, coz je podle me super. Myslim si,ze to bylo prave diky jemne glitrove konzistenci. Nahoru jsem pouzila cerny razitkovaci lak Konad a desticku m73.

I know it's not Christmas and I am a bit late, but these two colours are just so great I like to wear them during the year as well as around Christmas. I've decided to compare these two polishes for you. Let's see - In the bottles they look very different. Smitten with Mittens has gold and red glitters and Ruby Pumps looks like red glitters in the red jelly base. Unfortunately on the nails they look almost similar. However Smitten with Mittens has a bit deeper red colour and more compact finish than Ruby Pumps.

Ja vim, ze nejsou Vanoce a jsem trosku pozadu, tyhle dve barvicky jsou proste tak krasne, ze je nosim v prubehu celeho roku, nejen na Vanoce. Rozhodla jsem se pro vas tyhle dva laky porovnat. Tak se podivejme - v lahvicce vypadaji velmi odlisne. Smitten with Mittens ma zlate a rude trpytky a Ruby Pumps vypada jako rude trpytky v cervenem zele zakladu. Bohuzel na nehtu vypadaji skoro stejne :( Rozdil vidim v tom,ze Smitten ma trosku tmavsi cerveny odstin a celistvejsi povrch nez Ruby Pumps.

And here is a Smitten with Mittens on the nails and also in matte version.

A tady je Smitten na nehtech a taky v matne verzi.