Showing posts with label color club

Today I have another collection. It is a bit outdated as this is Color Club Colors For the Cure mini set. It contains four miniatures - Bashful, Angels N' Pink, Translucent, In Bloom. Formula was really nice, no streaks and nice and smooth application. Brushes are ok, not so tiny like OPI minis.

Dnes tu mam zase jednu kolekci i kdyz je trosku starsiho data. Je to Color Club Colors For the Cure minisada. Obsahuje ctyri miniatury - Bashful, Angels N' Pink, Translucent, In Bloom. S laky se pracovalo moc dobre, zadne pruhovani ani jine problemy. Dalsim plusem je stetecek, ktery neni tak miniaturni jako u OPI mini laku.

Translucent-light pink jelly which will give you just a hint of colour and shine. I had to use four coats for this colour.

Translucent-svetly 'zele' lak, ktery je dost prusvitny, takze doda jen nadech barvy a lesk. Musela jsem pouzit ctyri vrstvy, abych docilila barvy na fotu.

Bashful-light creme pastel pink. Very nice shade for work or interviews :) I have two coats and polish lasted about three days in good condition.

Bashful-svetla kremova pastelova ruzova. Je to moc pekny odstin do prace nebo na interview :) Mam dve vrstvy a lak vydrzel v peknem stavu zhruba tri dny.

Angels N' Pink-creme pink colour. This was not very interesting colour for me but still it looked elegant and pretty so I'll keep this shade (as it is the only kind of this pink I have). Application again without any problems, nice colour pigmentation and good drying time.Two coats.

Angels N' Pink-kremova ruzova. Neni to pro me zrovna zajimava barva, ale i tak vypadala pekne a elegantne, takze si ji necham (navic zadnou stredni ruzovku nemam). Aplikace byla bez problemu, lak byl dobre pigmentovany a dobre schnul. Mam dve vrstvy.

In Bloom-the winner of whole collection. It is rich deep creme pink. Great application, nice pigmentation and no problems with removing. Just great polish! Two coats again.

In Bloom-vitez cele kolekce. Je to syta tmave ruzova kremovka. Super aplikace, dobra pigmentace barvy a zadne problemy s odstranovanim. Proste super lak! Opet dve vrstvy.

Color Club In Bloom with one coat of Sinful Colors UFO
Playing with the shades and stamping :)

Finally I have got long nails for a french manicure and I was again in a creative mood and this is a result :) I've used Essie protein base coat, two coats of OPI No Bees Please. Then I painted black tips with Color Club Black and over it painted with Nfu Oh 59-red flakies. It still needed something more so I've used fauxnad plate and black Konad polish.

Konecne mam dost dlouhe nehty na francii a mela jsem zrovna tvorivejsi naladu a toto je vysledek :) Pouzila jsem Essie protein base coat a dve vrstvy OPI No Bees Please. Pak jsem namalovala konce s Color Club Black, pak je jeste premalovala cervenym supinkovym Nfu Oh 59. No a protoze to chtelo jeste necim ozivit, lupla jsem tam cerna razitka Konad: )