Showing posts with label nail art

I really like this mani even I never wear greens. I've used OPI base coat, then I aplied one coat of China Glaze Holographic Top coat. Then I painted green part with NYX Las Vegas, stamped white Konad and finished it with Konad Top Coat. So what do you think?

Tyhle nehtiky se mi moc libily, i kdyz zelenou nikdy nenosim. Pouzila jsem OPI base coat, pak jsem nanesla jednu vrstvu China Glaze Holographic Top coat. Pak jsem namalovala zelene konce s NYX Las Vegas. Nasledovala bila Konad razitka a cele jsem to prelakovala Konad Top Coatem. Tak co na to rikate?

I really liked OPI's 2009 Christmas collection.So many beautiful polishes! I bought a Merry midnight, Smitten with Mittens and set of four red minis. So another polish I will show you is Glove you so much. This colour doesn't suit me so well cause I don't like brown shades on me. In some angles I just saw brown shades in this polish. But overally it is really nice deep red wine colour with a bit brown shades. It needed hardly two coats, coverage was really good :) But I must say-I really don't like the tiny little brushes!

Lonska vanocni kolekce OPI se opravdu vydarila.Tolik krasnych laku! Nakonec jsem si poridila Merry Midnight, Smitten with Mittens a sadu 4 cervenych miniaturek. Dalsi lak, ktery vam ukazu se jmenuje Glove you so much. Tahle barvicka mi moc nesedi, protoze nemam rada hnede odstiny a podtony a v urcitych uhlech jsem tam proste hnedou videla :) Ale celkove je to moc pekna tmava vinova barvicka s troskou hnedych podtonu. Na nalakovani jsem skoro ani nepotrebovala de vrstvy, kryti bylo velmi dobre. Ale musim rict-fakt nemam rada ty pidi maly stetecky!