Well, this was kind of dissapointment. This is my first RBL polish and I've expected another beautiful vampy red. That didn't happen :( It is more dark red with lots of brown undertones. And I hate too much brown undertones in red! Moreover, the removal was really messy as the polish coloured my skin around nails. I've used one coat of glitter Flormar 010 polish to make Moulin Rouge more interesting for me. Flormar is kind of similar to INM Northern Lights glitter topcoat but cheaper.
No, ehm...tohle bylo trosku zklamani. Je to muj prvni RBL lak a ocekavala jsem dalsi krasnou vampy barvicku. Tak to se nekonalo :( Je to spis tmave cervena se silnym hnedym podtone. A ja nesnasim hodne hnedych podtonu v cervenych lacich! Navic odlakovavani bylo dost neprijemne, protoze lak mi obarvil kuzicku kolem nehtu. Aby byl Moulin Rouge pro me trosku zajimavejsi, dala jsem na nej jednu vrstvu Flormar laku c. 010. Flormar je podobny INM Northern Lights glitrovemu nadlaku, jen je levnejsi :)