Showing posts with label silver

This was dissapointment :( I really wanted to like this polish but I didn't like it even layered over another polish. This polish is a different colour glitter in a clear base. It dried up quite quickly and removing was a bit difficult as it is a glitter.

Tenhle lak byl pro me zklamani :( Opravdu jsem ho chtela mit rada,ale nelibil se mi ani na jinem laku. Jsou to v podstate barevne glitry v pruhlednem laku. Schnul docela rychle a protoze je to glitr, odlakovavani bylo trosku horsi.

This is not exactly MY type of colour, but Orly Starry-eyed is like sky... light pastel blue colour with a bit of silver glitter in it :) Application was smooth and I needed two coats. However this is the miniature, the brush was great, not like the stupid tiny OPI mini brushes!

Tohle neni zrovna moje barva, ale Orly Starry-eyed je jako krasna obloha...svetla pastelove modra barvicka s troskou stribrnych glitru. Aplikace byla bez problemu a stacily mi dve vrstvy. Navzdory tomu,ze je to miniatura, stetecek je vetsi a pracovalo se s nim moc dobre, nejako s temi dementnimi miniaturnimi OPI stetecky!