Showing posts with label zoya

This is one a bit older konading I made. The base colour is Zoya Rihanna stamped with Silver Konad nail polish. I really liked this one, the silver colour nicely complemented the purple.

Tahle manikura uz je trosku starsiho data. Barevny lak je Zoya Rihanna orazitkovany stribrnym Konad lakem. Tenhle design se mi opravdu libil, stribrna pekne doplnila teplou fialovou barvu Rihanny.

In the next few posts, I'll be reviewing ang swatching my new polishes which I absolutely love! I have Nfu Oh polishes, LA Color polish, Zoya, L.A. Girl polishes and BB Couture polishes!

V pristich par prispevcich budu psat o novych lacich, ktere mi prave prisly a uplne je zboznuju! Mam nove Nfu Oh, LA Color, Zoyu, LA Girl a BB Couture laky :)

Nfu Oh Victorian polishes no. 51, 46 and 59

BB Couture Napa Valley Red and Erotic Night

LA Color Rainbow Glitter, LA Girl Overdose, LA Girl Amethyst and Zoya Astra

I'm gonna start with BB Couture Erotic Night polish. This one is an ultimate vampy colour and it is just perfect! It's a deep wine red with a hint of plummy colour and it is jelly. I've used two a bit thicker coats and it was enough for full coverage. The brush is really nice and i had no problems with application. So far I'm falling in love with BB Couture polishes :)

Zacnu s BB Couture Erotic Night lakem. Tenhle lacek je uzasna a perfektni vampy barva. Tmava vinova s trochou svestkove fialove :) Lak ma zele konzistenci, coz vypada skvele. Na fotkach mam dve silnejsi vrstvy, ltere stacily pro plne kryti. Stetecek byl fajn, dobre se s nim lakoval a nemela jsem zadne problemy. No, zatim to vypada, ze se zacinam zamilovavat do BB Couture laku...uff, to zas bude draha laska :D