A post from Overblog

Hi, as you have probably noticed, I had to change my blog template because the previous one wasn't working properly. Hope you like it!
btw I can't find out why the top Navigation bar (with links Customize, New post, etc.) is not there. If you know what is wrong, please let me know. Thank you

Zdravim :) Jak jste si urcite vsechny vsimly, musela jsem zmenit cely vzhled blogu, protoze predchozi sablona proste blbla a nepomohly ani experimenty s nahranim pozadi na jiny server. Doufam,ze se vam tenhle vzhled libi :)
Mimochodem, kdybyste nektera vedela, proc se mi nezobrazuje navigacni lista s moznostmi jako Novy prispevek nebo Customize,tak dejte vedet.