OPI DS Extravagance
I'm gonna start with one of my favourite nail polishes. This one is from OPI's Designer Series and I'm sure you all know it - it's Extravagance! I absolutely love the rich purple colour and what's the best - the holographic effect! The applying is easy, no streaks and two coats were more than enough :)
Zacnu s jednim,ze svych nejoblibenejsich laku. Tenhle je z designerske serie OPI a jsem si jista, ze ho znate - je to Extravagance! Tenhle lak proste miluju pro jeho sytou fialovou barvicku a co je nejlepsi? Holograficky efekt! Aplikace byla bez problemu, nedelal zadne pruhy a naprosto stacily dve vrstvy :)