Avon Decadence with "sponging" and "konading"

I am not a fan of Avon and Oriflame nail polishes, but I just had to have this gorgeous purle! Well but the pretty colour is the only advantage this polish has. The application was a bit tricky because the brush is quite long and my one is curved so it made application even worse :( This brush is so far the worst I have ever worked with :( The nail polish started to chip within 24 hours which is really annoying, especially when you spent at least an hour by making nice nail art :D

So for the graduate silver colour I've used piece of kitchen sponge and Wild and Crazy Color Hazard nail polish. Then for the flowers I've used white Konad Special nail polish and Fauxnad image plate (as you can see, flowers are not perfect).

Nejsem zrovna fanousek "avonackych" a "oriflamackych" laku na nehty, ale tenhle jsem proste musela mit uz jen kvuli te nadherne fialove barve! No a ta krasna barva je to jedine pozitivum u tohohle laku. Aplikace byla dost slozita, protoze stetec u laku je dost dlouhy a v mem pripade je stetec takovy pokriveny,jakoby prelezeny,coz aplikaci jeste ztizilo. Tenhle stetec je zatim ten nejhorsi, se kterym jsem kdy pracovala. Lak samotny se zacal odlupovat behem jednoho dne, coz je dost otravny, zvlaste, kdyz stravite prinejmensim hodinu vytvarenim pekneho nail artu :D

Takze pro stribrne stinovani jsem pouzila kousek kuchynske houbicky a Wild and Crazy Color Hazard nail polish. Pak na kyticky bily Konad lak a Fauxnad (fejkova Konad desticka :D) desticku-jak je videt, neni to Konad a kyticky proste nejsou perfektni.

And here is Avon Decadence with one layer of Collection 2000 Sparkle Top Coat.
A tady Avon Decadence s jednou vrstvou Collection 2000 Sparkle Top Coat.