L.A. Girl Amethyst

I got this nail polish from a friend, so thank you, Nuf! I really like it! It is not just plain amethyst colour, it has small blue and purple flecks in shimmery purple base. The formula was kind of funny-watery, sheer....But after three coats you get nice and even look as you can see in the picture :)

Tenhle lak mam od kamaradky, takze dekuji, Nuf! Fakt se mi ta barva libi! Neni to jen obycejna ametystova barva. Ma navic male modre a fialove trpytecky v trpytivem fialovem zakladu. Konzistence byla takova zvlastni-vodova a ne moc kryci... Ale po trech vrstvach muzete docilit pekne kryci barvy jako na fotce.