Barielle Spring Shades - Blossom
Today I've got one Spring Shade from Barielle called Blossom. It is nice creamy opaque peach. I bought this one on Barielle website because there is Buy one get one free offer. It applied very easily with no streaks but it didn't last on me very long time. I had chipping after three days of wearing.
And because cremes are quite boring for me, I've applied one coat of Golden Rose flaky polish.
Also I would like to announce that when I reach 250 followers, I will do big polish giveaway :)
Dnes tu mam Barielle Blossom ze Spring Shades kolekce. Je to pekna broskvova kryci kremovka. Koupila jsem ji na Barielle webu, protoze tam maji akci 1+1 zdarma. Nanasel se velmi snadno a bez pruhovani, ale moc dlouho mi v perfektnim stavu nevydrzel. Zacal se mi odlupovat po trech dnech.
A protoze jsou kremovky pro me casto nudne, pridala jsem jednu vrstvu supinkoveho Golden Rose laku.
Taky bych chtela oznamit, ze az dosahnu 250 followeru, tak udelam velkou lakovou soutez :)