Sparituals I feel the Earth move

I just love vampies! I feel the Earth move is a beautiful dark wine red with really nice shine even without topcoat. Firstly I thought it will be too much brown in it as it looks like brownish polish in the bottle. But on the nails... Brush was kind of ok, but it is half of the size of OPI, so it is not the best one.

Ja miluju vampy barvy! I feel the Earth move je krasna tmave vinova cervena s krasnym leskem i bez nadlaku. Nejdriv jsem si podle lahvicky myslela, ze to bude hodne hnedy lak, ale potom na nehtech... Stetecek byl celkem fajn, ale je asi o polovinu mensi, nez OPI stetecek, takze to neni zrovna ten uplne nejlepsi.