Barry M Mint Green
I've decided to show you more of the UK brands. Barry M has wide range of nail polishes so I'll try to include Barry M swatches more often. Today I've got Mint Green shade which is supposed to be really close to Chanel Jade. Unfortunately I don't own the Chanel to show you a comparison. The colour is a light creme pastel green, quite cool shade.
Mint Green is quite sheer and it needed two very thick coats or three regular ones :( Not really good formula I would was also quite runny and watery. When it dried the colour wasn't very shiny so I had to use a topcoat. Overally the shade is nice if you like Chanel Jade or greens but the formula is not one of the best. I didn't feel good in this shade as it was too pale and cold for me.
Rozhodla jsem se, ze vam ukazu vic britskych znacek. Barry M ma sirokou sklau odstinu laku, takze se pokusim zaradit do prispevku vice z teto znacky. Dnes tu mam Mint Green, ktery ma byt velmi blizky pribuzny Chanelu Jade. Bohuzel nemam Chanel, abych je porovnala :( Barva je pastelova zelena kremovka, docela dost studeny odstin.
Mint green je malo kryci, potreboval dve hodne silne vrstvy nebo tri normalni :( Rozhodne o tomhle laku nemuzu rict, ze by mel dobrou take dost vodovy a ridky. Kdyz zaschnul, barva nebyla moc leskla, takze jsem musela pouzit nadlak. Celkove si myslim,ze pokud mate radi Chanel Jade a zelene odstiny obecne, tak je to pekna barvicka. Bohuzel ta konzistence neni nic moc :( Ja osobne jsem se v tomhle laku necitila dobre, protoze je na me moc svetly a studeny.