Showing posts with label gradient

Hello lovelies,


I've decided to join another nail art challenge - ABC Challenge!


ABC Challenge: A is for Abstract | Nail Art Challenge



What is the ABC Challenge?
"The ABC Challenge is a nail art challenge inspired by the letters of the alphabet. The goal is to complete all of the 26 letters. But don't let that deter you if you can't participate each week, or if you want to join in late. Post your manicures that correspond with the schedule on your social media with the hashtag #nailpolishsocietyabc. If you have a blog you can upload the Inlinkz to you post and add you link."


You can read everything about it in this post from Emily from Nail Polish Society, who is hosting it :)


My A is for Abstract. I've chosen abstract as a representation of the letter A for this week. Today's nails are inspired by a picture of a painting that I saw on Pinterest. I tried to find out the original author but I was not successful. If you know the artist, let me know!


ABC Challenge: A is for Abstract | Nail Art Challenge
ABC Challenge: A is for Abstract | Nail Art Challenge


I've started with a base coat and two coats of Color Club French Tip. Then I wanted to imitate the rough textured gradient we can see in the picture so I sponged on the nail polishes. The first colour I've used was Models Own Everyday Grey, followed by Models Own Sarong Wrap, Zoya Thandie, Models Own Red Lustre, Models Own Brunette Red and Purple Bandana. Then I've added little bit more white over the grey to give it some depth. Next step was the spiral. I've use black acrylic paint and thin nail art brush.



Lots of polishes, right? But I think the result was worth it. I really like the painting and also how my nails turned out :) What do you think?


ABC Challenge: A is for Abstract | Nail Art Challenge
ABC Challenge: A is for Abstract | Nail Art Challenge


Don't forget to check out what other participants did - links below or search #nailpolishsocietyabc on social media!



Hello lovelies,


How is your weekend? I'm catching up on some blog work and preparing some new secret project ;) Today I'll show you a gradient manicure and then an updated version of it.


Lovely people from Models Own have sent me their latest colours added to the metallic Chrome collection and I've integrated them into some of my nail art manicures. I started with two coats of Models Own Chrome Grey and then I've sponged on I Love Nail Polish Metropolis and Cold Fusion flakies from the tip of the nail toward the centre.

Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥
Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥
Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥
Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥
Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥
Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥


For me, flakies are still amazing polishes and I really love them so I'll do my best to incorporate them little bit more in the future. I purposely used two different flakie polishes to achieve a nice range of colours and I quite liked the result. But it wasn't quite good enough so I added floral stamping on top!


I have used my Bundle Monster x Lucy's Stash collaboration plate and Hit The Bottle Snowed In stamping polish. All sealed with a coat of Seche Vite top coat.


Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥
Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥
Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥
Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥
Flowers & Flakies Nail Art ♥


I see myself coming back again and again to my collaboration stamping plate, probably until I do a manicure with every single image. What about you? Have you gotten yourself this plate yet?


I hope you enjoyed this post and had a nice weekend! Lucie x


*Some of the products were previously sent as PR samples