MAC Mineralize Skinfinishes Perfect Topping & Northern Light
I don't have a spectacular collection of MSFs like some other bloggers, I have only two. Despite that I would like to show them to you. The first one is called Perfect Topping and I love it! It creates light gold-peachy colour and I use it for highlighting my cheeks. It is quite versatile so it can be used as a under brow area highliter as well. It is very powdery.
The second MSF is called Northern Light and is perfect as a blush :) This one is a bit more baked and less powdery.
Northern Light (on the left) and Perfect Topping (on the right)
Ja na rozdil od nekterych bloggerek nemam velikou kolekci MAC MSF. Mam jen dva, ale i ty bych vam chtela ukazat. Prvni se jmenuje Perfect Topping a je proste uzasny! Na pleti vytvori jemny broskvove-zlaty odstin a pouzivam ho na zvyrazneni tvari. Je docela univerzalni, da se pouzit i jako highlighter pod oboci. Tenhle muj kousek je docela dost prasny.
Muj druhy MSF se jmenuje Northern Light je nejlepsi jako tvarenka. Tenhle je trosku vic zapeceny a vubec neprasi.