Gradient tape manicure with Sparitual Slate and Gold collection
Hello lovelies,
It's almost here! I'm so excited about tomorrow's beauty exhibition I hope I'll be able to get some sleep. I already have a list of polishees I want to get and OPI Skyfall is on the list! I'm also hoping for China Glaze Bohemian collection even though I have bad luck with it (remember the broken bottle of polish in my suitcase?). Omg I so can't wait! ...Ok ok calm down Lucy and get back to today's post...
Right, so today it's a bit of an experiment of matching cool and warm shades and different finishes. I've combined cool-toned metallic SpaRitual Slate with gradient strips of SpaRitual Aurum, Conduit and Rusted Lux.
Slate - grey metallic shimmer. Slate is not pure grey but it is mixed with earthy brown shades which makes it quite unusual. It applied really easily and pigmentation was excellent. The shade was almost perfect in one coat but I've applied second coat just to make sure. Slate is streaky a bit so be careful when applying. I've applied topcoat to seal the manicure.
*Products were sent to me for a review