Sunday, July 21, 2013 3 Bad Apple polishes for £9.99 (+P&P) on... 3 Bad Apple polishes for £9.99 (+P&P) on Wowcher today! Lucy's Stash (@LucysStash)July 21, 2013 £9.99 instead of £29.85 (from Bad Apple) for a set of 3 limited edition Bad Apple nail varnishes - nail a saving of 67%These days it's simply not enough to have clean nails - oh no, it's all about outshining your nearest and dearest with bedazzling talons... You might enjoy reading: My Snowflake Nails for Christmas 2020 with Semilac... REVIEW: LART Supreme Mineral Powder Dipping System... Dress your nails to impress with this marbled amethyst... Colourful Rainbow Manicure with LART Hybrid Gel Polish...