*PR samples

Hello lovelies,


Dance Legend keeps releasing beautiful new collections and I have two polishes from the Round Space collection to show you. This collection features six different shades with jelly formula and silver holographic glitter. You can find swatches of all shades here.


Inception - strawberry red jelly base full of silver holographic glitter in different shapes and sizes. The polish looks very beautiful but it was a bit of a paint to get the nice result. The formula was thick so I had to apply thicker coats to avoid patches. I ended up applying 2 thicker coats and topcoat for the result you can see in the pictures. The polish dried in average time.


Dance Legend Round Space Collection - Inception & Supergalaxy | Review & Swatches
Dance Legend Round Space Collection - Inception & Supergalaxy | Review & Swatches
Dance Legend Round Space Collection - Inception & Supergalaxy | Review & Swatches



Supergalaxy - dark blue jelly base full of silver holographic glitter in different shapes and sizes. Supergalaxy looks even better than Inception in my opinion and it does remind me of a deep space/galaxy. Formula with this shade was better and easier to manage. It wasn't as thick but I still applied two thicker coats to get a decent coverage. It dried average and little bumpy due to glitter so I've applied topcoat. 


Dance Legend Round Space Collection - Inception & Supergalaxy | Review & Swatches
Dance Legend Round Space Collection - Inception & Supergalaxy | Review & Swatches
Dance Legend Round Space Collection - Inception & Supergalaxy | Review & Swatches



A little perk that comes with this collection is a little LED light hidden in the lid. You can use it to get more light while painting your nails or you can just turn it on and feast your eyes on the beauty that you'll see.


Dance Legend Round Space Collection - Inception & Supergalaxy | Review & Swatches
Dance Legend Round Space Collection - Inception & Supergalaxy | Review & Swatches



The lit cap looks beautiful, doesn't it? I don't think I would ever need that function but it's a nice little addition.


These polishes are available at Dance Legend website. Dance Legend is a Russian company so if you can't or don't want to order directly from Russia, you can do so from one of the re-sellers listed on their home page.


Have a nice day! Lucie x


*PR samples


Hello lovelies,


It's been a while, hasn't it? I've been extremely busy so didn't have time to write any blog posts and unfortunately I can't 'outsource' any work!


Today's post screams spring and it's a simple stamping nail art over previously reviewed Barry M Kiss Me Quick and Eat My Dust from the new Speedy Quick Dry collection. I have used B. Loves Plates Geometry Is Perfect plate and Creative Stamper to stamp the cool triangle pattern. The I just added some metallic studs from Light In The Box and sealed the manicure with Barry M Plumpy topcoat. The rings I'm wearing are from Astrid & Miyu.


Spring is coming...brace yourselves! :D
Spring is coming...brace yourselves! :D
Spring is coming...brace yourselves! :D
Spring is coming...brace yourselves! :D
Spring is coming...brace yourselves! :D
Spring is coming...brace yourselves! :D
Spring is coming...brace yourselves! :D



I really enjoy making these special photos for you so I hope you'll like them! Unfortunately I can't make them all the time since I mostly have time for nails in the evening :( I'll do my best though!


You all have a lovely day! Lucie x