Hello lovelies,
Firstly, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays again! Hope you all had a wonderful time, lots of presents and good food :) I've been in a need of a break so I haven't done ANYTHING in the past week or so but I feel like I have to get back to work to catch up on the mountain of work I have here.
I'll cheat today a little bit with these nails because in all honesty, I did these nails a year ago for the Scratch Magazine except I added a pink colour over them. I managed to take pictures before the pink because I liked the jumper nails in white as well. The good news is - there are 'recycled' picture and video tutorials!
I think that white jumper nails are very elegant on their own and they would look even better with a matte topcoat. I didn't do matte topcoat because I went on to cover these in pink but if I was to leave them white I would apply a coat of matte gel top coat to finish them off.
I have used only Bio Seaweed Gel No Sanding Base Coat, Bio Seaweed Gel polish in Snow White and dotting tool. This particular BSG is from their All-in-one line which means it doesn't need to be topcoated and it doesn't leave a sticky residue. Perfect for this design!
Canada: http://bioseaweedgel.com/
UK: http://bioseaweedgel.co.uk/
US & rest of the world: http://bioseaweedgel.com/distributors/
Here's a picture tutorial for these:
Pretty simple, right? Well, if a picture tutorial isn't enough, here's a video tutorial. Just stop at the step 6 - painting on second coat of knit design and cure. And as I said above, if you have gel matte top coat, use it! It will be epic ;)
So that's it for today, I might go and prepare some colourful tutorial to brighten the mood..or maybe I''ll do something wintery... I'll see and you will too!
Have a lovely day everyone! Lucie x