Yes, I am also one of the thousands who loves stamping nail art! It is so versatile that everyone can find their style. I own some Konad image plates (now more than on the pic) and I also tried a "Fauxnad" plates. There is certain difference between them. Konad is more precise and has a bit deeper pattern so applied picture looks better. Unfortunately Fauxnad has many patterns which are quite wide and when you stamp it to your nail, it just smudge :( But I must say that even on Fauxnad there are some really nice patterns I like and use regularly. Below in the picture there is some of my nail art stuff, I thought you might like a picture :) And of course my nails. For the white tips I used Nubar White Cloud nail polish, Fauxnad image plate and special white and red Konad polishes.
Ano, taky jsem jedna z tisicu, co miluji razitkovani! Razitkovani je tak vsestranne, ze si kazdy muze najit svuj vlastni styl. Vlastnim par Konad desticek (momentalne uz je jich vic, nez na obrazku) a taky uz jsem vyzkousela tzv. "Fauxnad" desticky - napodobenina Konadu. Je mezi nimi par rozdilu. Vzory na Konad destickach jsou mnohem preciznejsi a maji trosku hlubsi vyryty obrazek, takze razitka potom vypadaji lepe. Bohuzel Fauxnad ma hodne vzoru na destickach,ktere jsou prislis siroke,takze kdyz jsem se je pokousela orazitkovat na nehet,tak se mi rozmazly :( Ale musim uznat,ze i na techto Fauxnad destickach jsou moc hezke vzory a nektere pouzivam pravidelne. Dole na obrazku je vetsina mych pomucek na nail art a zdobeni nehtu. Tak jsem si myslela,ze byste fotecky uvitaly :) A samozrejme jeste moje nehtiky. Bile spicky jsou namalovane lakem Nubar White Cloud, vzor je z Fauxnad desticky a razitka jsou udelana specialnim cervenym a bilym Konad lakem.