No.7 Beanie
It is said that this polish is very close to the Chanel only has more grey than brown undertone.I was quite pleased with the texture and the brush however it is definitely not "speed dry" as it says on the bottle. It takes two coats for a full coverage. Picture was taken after two days of wearing and you can see already the white tips :( Not good though :( But I think it it is worth to have this polish just for the colour :)
Rika se,ze tenhle lak je dost podobny Chanelu jen trosku vic sedych podtonu nez hnedych. Byla jsem docela spokojena s texturou laku a steteckem, ale rozhodne to neni "rychleschnouci lak", jak je to uvedeno na lahvicce. Na plne kryti byly potreba dve vrstvy (jako skoro vzdycky). Fotku jsem udelala az po dvou dnech noseni a uz jsou videt obrousene bile konecky :( To neni moc dobry :( Ale myslim si,ze stoji za to mit tenhle lak uz jen pro tu barvicku :)